Numerical simulation of instability of two-dimensional convergent shock wave propagating in gas 二维会聚波在气体内传播不稳定性的数值模拟
By using the expansion of spherical wave functions for a cylindrical wave function and the techniques of the hypergeometric functions, the Sommerfeld integral contained in the potential is expressed as a rapidly and absolutely convergent series of spherical wave functions; 利用圆柱波函数的球面波函数展开式和超几何函数理论,位函数中的索末菲尔德积分被表示成快速、绝对收敛的球面波展开式;
In addition, the problems of convergent detonation and detonation wave propagating in planewavelens with multi-medium and the interaction of detonation waves are calculated. 另外,本文还给出了其它几个算例,主要是聚心爆轰、爆轰波在多介质炸药的平面波透镜中的传播及爆轰波的相互作用等。
Physical idea of the vector method is clear, stable and convergent. The diffraction problem of plane wave with polarization incident upon 2-D sub-wavelength metal gratings can be processed. 这种矢量模式方法物理概念清晰且稳定收敛,可以处理任意偏振态平面波入射到二维亚波长金属光栅中的衍射问题。
Numerically, we choose a resonance torus of winding number 29/ 39, a very close periodic torus convergent to the quantizing torus corresponding to state ( 8,3), to build wave function. 数值上,我们选择一个环绕数为29/39的谐振环(非常接近于量子化环(8,3))构造波函数。
Experimental investigation of convergent conical shock wave interaction in porous medium 多孔介质中收聚圆锥冲击波的相互作用的实验研究
The results show that the method of connected hollow Wilson graphs is the better one to obtain good scaling behavior and good convergent behavior of vacuum wave function μ_0 and μ_2 in 2+ 1-D SU ( 3) lattice gauge theory. 计算结果表明:用相连空心图方法所得到2+1维SU(3)格点规范场的真空波函数μ0和μ2的标度行为和收敛性更好。
On the theoretical basis of reciprocity calibration of focusing transducer in convergent spherical acoustic wave 论聚焦换能器的会聚球面波互易校准的理论基础
The normalized intensity profile at the focal plane is given and compared with that of an ideal convergent spherical wave. 计算了该透镜的焦面上的强度分布,并与理想球面波照射矩形孔径时焦面上的强度分布进行了比较。
Convergent Behaviors of Vacuum Wave Function in 2+ 1-D SU ( 3) LGT 2+1维SU(3)格点纯规范场真空波函数的收敛性
At present, this apparatus is used mainly for the examination of the perfectness of convergent spherical wave surface with aperture angle ≤ 1:3, hence it can be used for the non-contact direct test of aluminized or unaluminized concave mirrors with any aperture. 该仪器现在专用来检验张角≤1:3的会聚球波面的完善性.因此可以用来无接触的直接检验任意口径的镀铝或未镀铝的凹球面镜;
The methods of connected overlapped Wilson graphs and connected hollow Wilson graphs are adopted respectively to investigate convergent behaviors of vacuum wave function in 2+ 1-D SU ( 3) lattice gauge theory. 分别采用相连重叠图、相连空心图方法展开波函数,研究2+1维SU(3)格点规范场真空波函数的收敛性。